AVAILABILITY: Rooms are available during regular library hours. These rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis, however library-sponsored activities have first priority. The library reserves the right to cancel a reservation at any time; however, the library will endeavor to avoid such conflict where possible. There are no fees to use these rooms. Reservations should be made in advance by calling or emailing the library. Groups/Individuals will be notified as soon as possible of any change in hours of operations that would impact their reservation(s). Groups/Individuals must conclude their meetings/usage to at least fifteen minutes prior to the library closing. There should be a minimum of thirty (30) minute gaps between reservations to allow for spill-over and clean-up of the previous reservation.
The library reserves the right to review any request for Meeting Room use and may require additional time and information during the approval process, including those individuals/groups who wish to use the meeting rooms on a walk-in basis.
Use of these rooms is restricted to non-profit, civic, cultural, advocacy, or educational organizations. Use shall be restricted to those activities that do not violate general community standards, interfere with general library operations, or violate the library’s Patron Code of Conduct.
Use of the meeting room is to be done in a responsible manner with the library’s Patron Code of Conduct being adhered to at all times. The library reserves the right to withdraw the permission for use of the meeting room when conditions so warrant and to stop meetings that interfere with normal library operations.
Patrons using the meeting room are responsible that all conditions of use are followed and assume liability for any injury, loss, or damage to any person or property in or about the room and its contents. Reimbursement for damage to the facility and cleaning the room is the responsibility of the individual and/or group that originally reserved the room.
Meeting rooms may not be used for social activities, private parties, commercial purposes, or gatherings that advertise a product or service.
The library reserves the right to limit the number of meeting room reservations and how far in advance reservations may be made for an individual or group based on the demand for meeting space.
The person reserving the meeting room must be at least 18 years of age with the exception of the study rooms.
An adult leader shall be present at all times and responsible for the supervision of any groups of children (any individual under the age of 18).
Childcare for children of adults attending meetings in library meeting rooms is the responsibility of those adults. The library is not responsible for providing childcare while a person is attending a meeting or event.
The use of meeting room by a non-library group or individual shall not be publicized in a way to imply library sponsorship of the group or individual’s activities.
If the group or individual cancels the reservation, they are responsible for notifying the library and the group members or the audience.
The library assumes no responsibility of hats, coats, purses, and other belongings of persons attending the meetings.
Non-library groups may not charge admission fees or make commercial solicitations when using the meeting rooms, however groups may charge a reasonable fee to cover the cost of materials, handouts, craft making supplies, etc.
Smoking and vaping are prohibited in the library. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in the meeting rooms except as part of library sponsored educational or fundraising programs with the approval of the director and board of trustees.
Additional regulations may apply to specific rooms. Please see below.
DISCLAIMER: The library does not endorse the views expressed by any group or individual using its meeting rooms, however it does endorse the right of those individuals and groups to express their views so long as they abide by the policies and rules governing the use of the library’s meeting rooms.