Donations to the Library may be made out to Piqua Public Library. The Library is a 501.c.3-like organization.
Donations of books or other items that could be added to our collection:
- All materials donated to the Piqua Public Library become the exclusive property of the Library and may be utilized or disposed of as best fits the needs of the Library. Books and audio-visuals that do not fit the Library’s collection needs may be assigned to the Library’s Bookstore to fund future Library purchases.
- Materials that might cause damage to the Library or its collections (i.e.: mildew, infestation, odor, etc.) may not be selected as donations to the Library.
- Donated materials may not be returned to the original legal owner without the permission of the Director and/or the Trustees.
- Generally, the Library does not take donations of older magazines, National Geographic, textbooks, Reader’s Digest books, badly worn paperbacks or VHS tapes.
- It is suggested that before bringing a large collection of materials to the Library to donate, a call should be made to the Library to assure the material is acceptable.
- Historically or artistically significant materials may be donated for use, presentation, or preservation by the Library’s Local History Department.